Mounted 19th Century American Wolfhound Hooked Rug

Mounted 19th Century American Wolfhound Hooked Rug


This late 19th-century American hooked rug is a captivating reflection of both its era and the rich history of the hooked rug craft in early American interior design. With meticulous artistry, it portrays two white and brown wolfhounds at rest on a tranquil hillside, framed by the grandeur of towering pine trees. This rug's intricately crafted design pays homage to the natural beauty of the American landscape.

Mounted on a custom-made stretcher, this piece transforms into an exquisite wall hanging, reminding us of the bygone days when hooked rugs were indispensable in American homes. These rugs were celebrated not only for their visual appeal but also for their functional role, offering warmth and comfort to interiors during the 19th century.

This rug is a remarkable artifact of a time when craftsmanship and artistry played a pivotal role in shaping early American homes. It stands as both a testament to the past and a striking piece of decor, connecting contemporary spaces to the enduring charm of traditional American interior design.

40 in. W x 1.5 in. D x 23.25 in. H

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